This is how it works
peek was made for everyone who works with ad hoc personas (the ones you made up in a meeting)
Step 1: Provide some context
Working with peek is super easy. All you need to do is to share some basic information about your project.
Provide your project's goal. To make the evaluation more relevant to you, share the objective of the project or feature you developed the personas for
Upload your persona document. Just share what you have: whether it's a screenshot from Miro or a whole chapter from a keynote. peek can work with it.
Run the analysis. Yes, we really don't need any more information.

Step 2: Get your analysis in 90 seconds
While you briefly wait, peek ensures that the AI-generated evaluation will be reliable and insightful.
Management Summary: A brief summarization of the evaluation results
Project fit: An assessment if the personas, the way they are described, are informative for the project's goal.
Stereotypes: Reflection on the implicit ideas and stereotypes that characterize each persona in your document.
Social environment analysis: Evaluation of the personas in terms of their affiliation to social segments of different segmentation models.
Diversity criteria: Deduction of assumed traits of each persona that reflect social and economic diversity representation.

Documentation & Insights
Thank You
Interviews, Sparring, Conversations on UX
- Aline Henkys
- Andreas Loos
- Andreas Spiegler
- Angelika Hinterbrandner
- Arne Kittler
- Bertram Gugel
- Chris Fotheringham
- Christoph Rieth
- Dorothée Schwartzmann
- Hannah Bergmann
- Harry Keller
- Heike Lorenz
- Indi Young
- Johannes Klingebiel
- Johannes Schiller
- Jonas Föhr
- Julia Kremer
- Julia Lüke
- Kai Ebert
- Karin Bjerregaard Schlüter
- Kristina Bonitz
- Lukas Bezler
- Martin Jordan
- Maximilian Kraft
- Michael Schieben
- Paul Marsden
- Sandra Schuster
- Sebastian Waters
- Silvia Fritzsche
- Simon Wörpel
- Stefanie Kegel
- Thorsten Jonas
- Tim Becker
- as well as: LDI students, JVM-Academy students, participants of my UX workshops and seminars and everyone else I was lucky to talk about persona things before and during the fellowship
- Kirby CMS-Community
Media Lab Bayern
- Fellowship-Daddy Christian Simon
- My co-fellows: Bianca Kriel, Daniela Späth, Kemi Fatoba, Leonid Klimov, Patricia Sack, Simon Hurtz, Uwe Martin
- Our coaches: Angelika Goll, Jens Springmann, Masiar Nashat
- Jessica Weber
- Pia Lexa
Key Visual
- “Yasi&Jana” Yasemin Boyraz & Jana Mehrgardt
Tool Stack
- github
- Google Cloud Run
- Google Storage
- Jetbrains PyCharm IDE
- Jetbrains AI & ChatGPT
- OpenAI GPT-4o-mini
- python
- Streamlit
- Jetbrains phpStorm IDE
- Jetbrains AI & Claude
- kirby cms
- kirby community plugins
- Stackoverflow
- DeepL
- Dovetail
- Fibery
- Miro
- Keynote
- Kumu
- Omnigraffle
- Figma
Segmentation Models
- Sinus Institute: Sinus Milieus
- GIM: Digial Media Types
- More in Common: 6 Social Types
- Uranos: Clåss Micromilieus
- D21-Digital-Index: Digital Types
Diversity traits
- Inspired by gov.UK's “How many people?” tool
- Berlin State for Equal Treatment and Against Discrimination
- Charta der Vielfalt
- You'll find an incomplete but growing material list on this page

peek was funded by the R&D Fellowship of Media Lab Bavaria